APEC EGS Directory

EnviroRisk Management

WaySearch P.O. Box 183 Lara
3212 Australia
Phone: +61 3 5282 3773
Fax: +61 3 5282 4430
Email: N/A
Since the stablishment in 1995, each specialist at EnviroRisk Management has worked directly on real world business solutions involving: Air, water, waste and noise pollution risk assessment and control; EMS, integrated systems, EIP and site specific EMP; Compliance and audit programs by qualified auditors; Project management of Development/Planning Consent, EIS/EES and EPA Approval; Site contamination/soil and groundwater remediation; Corporate updates and presentations; Sustainability, climate change and carbon based solutions.
Date added: 2010-01-04 03:39:46    Hits: 460
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